Thursday, April 14, 2011

Underrated shit: CL

As you all may already know, Im a fan of the battle circuit....KOTD especially. Right now there are several up and comers that deserve the spotlight,but one in particular has been on a murder spree. CL aka Cracked Lips is undefeated as of now(we'll know soon once his battle with Wird of Pley drops) against battlers such as Mista,Q,Nat Select, & Tycoon Tax. His fresh word play & aggressive style is earning him a rep as a battler not to be fucked with. Below I have links for his battles listed. I suggest you get watching.

Monday, March 14, 2011

KOTD - Rap Battle - Arsonal vs Pat Stay

At last, Arsonal vs Pat Stay has arrived! Just in case you didnt know, these two dudes are titans at what they do. Arsonal da Rebel comes from Fight Klub, URL and GT to Debut in KOTD(Canada's premiere battle league) against Canadian legend Pat Stay, The Sucka Free Bouse. It was agreed upon that the battle be judged but at last minute Arsonal requested it not be judged, so decide for ya self. I personally think Pat Stay got it. Arsonal is a sick performer and he always puts on a show but Pat Stay was just too sucka free. Arsonal would have you believe he is a sucka. Do you think he is a sucka? Watch and decide...


Thursday, March 10, 2011


--Sharkula Wednesday March 9 Streetside Bar 3201 w. Armitage 9pm free w/Jams Dean--

Marika and I arrived around 10 pm thinking we'd catch half of his set, thankfully he hadnt gone on yet. We found him snuggled in a booth crushing weed into his Old Styles,alongside Josh Conro (director of Sharkula: Diarrhea of A Madman) and his girl Nancy. He had signed DVDs (Zoomcreep & Sharkula's Perfect Collection) & his new single "Barry White Teeth" off of his "Awesome Black Mountain" project with Jeremiah Jae (composer of the soundtrack for Diarrhea of a Madman & currently touring Europe with Flying Lotus's Brainfeeder collective) for sale. He ended up going on around midnight which gave me plenty of time to down four or five Left Handed Milk Stouts & destroy the better half of some delicious vegan nachos (props to streetside!). Lets just say that everybody had their fins in the air! Literally. He started off by throwing bunches of little pieces of graff signed paper at the audience while spitting thru a mouth mask. The set started with some new stuff and then went into some classic Diagnosis of Sharkula tracks with some fresh new Chuck Sunshine scratches added. The man continues to be one hell of a performer, standing on chairs, laying on top tables, rolling around on the floor, hugging audience members, & screaming shark calls at the top of his lungs (which I answered). We had to dip out before the last couple tracks were done but we could see thru the window that the party was continuing . Put your fins in the air yall!

-Sharkula (aka Japanhandler) & Jeremiah Jae "Barry White Teeth" single cd-r--

Popped this in ma TRUCK this morning to cure my hangover along with some ginger ale and boy did it work! Two nice little tracks with classic Sharkula "Hot Dog MC" flow over smooth Jeremiah Jae production. No tracklisting ,but the term "Dirty Mountain Teeth Lovaz" was listed on the cd. If you see Sharkula on the street you should grab one of these while their hot!

--Sharkula info---

Sharkula : Diarrhea of a Madman- Is a film I am proud to say I am Producer of. Keep your eyes and ears open for an upcoming DVD release of the critically acclaimed masterpiece. You can find all info about it here

and here-

and here-

Find all general info about Sharkula & his upcoming shows here-

and here-

and here-

You can also call him directly on the "The Sharkline" (773) 508 6654 & catch all his videos by going on Youtube and typing in "Sharkula". So dont be a bitch, support the realest of Chicago underground hip hop!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


The P have been my absolute favorite crew since around 9th grade. I purchase pretty much anything tangible I can get my hands on by them. You can only imagine my excitement to find they have taken part in forming Piecelock 70, an artist co-op including Cut Chemist,Five three two,DJ Day and more. The site boasts many future projects including a Double K solo album and the long awaited Thes One "Wonderful Radio" Project. Tons of free downloads including an amazing lost track(Instr included) from Carried Away called "All good things", & The Funner than Leather mixtape(which is kick ass). Plenty of rare P.U.T.S vinyl for sale too. Check it now!

Piecelock 70-

pl70 download page-

-highly recommended

Sunday, February 13, 2011


YO. I started up this little blog for the purpose of reviewing hip hop releases ,discussing the battle scene, and releasing mixtapes and small projects from myself and friends. Spliff Hound presents vol. 1 will feature the talents of Drunken Master,Mindbender,Jay-Z, Chud9 & many more..